4 May 2010

How to Make Russian Tea - Try This Delicious Recipe

Far from the tea growing parts of the world, Russians got into drinking tea quite late compared to many other cultures, but they managed to create a very distinctive tea culture anyway. Traditionally Russians start with a tea concentrate called zavarka to which they add hot water and some combination of sugar, honey, lemon, and fruit preserves to personal taste. Sitting around the samovar (Russian teapot) implies having a friendly conversation, much as the expression "let's have coffee" suggests the same thing to Americans.

The American version of Russian Tea is a sweet concoction that has little to do with Russia and less to do with traditional tea as most people think of tea. It is, however, a good pick me up for a cold day.

While there are many variations on the recipe for Russian Tea, they usually involve cinnamon and cloves to impart a spice flavor, powdered drink mix to deliver a citrus flavor, some form of tea, and a large dose of sugar.

This Russian Tea recipe creates a jar full of pre-made mix that will provide many cups on demand.

1/2 cup instant tea
2 cups Orange Tang or similar
1 large package powdered lemonade with sugar
2 cups sugar
2 tsp. cloves
2 tsp. cinnamon
Mix the ingredients well and store the ready to use mix in an airtight jar or plastic container. To serve, place 2 heaping teaspoonfuls of your prepared mix into 1 cup of boiling water. Stir to dissolve the sugar and then enjoy.

Ready for a tea party? Then join me in my exploration of the world of the teacup and teapot: http://www.teacupandteapot.com.

I simply love, adore and I am fascinated by anything related to a teacup and teapot. Come and share my joy of learning about the different teapots at http://www.teacupandteapot.com/russian-tea-pots.html.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michele_Dep