29 Apr 2010

What better to drink tea in spring

What better to drink tea in spring

Chinese medicine believes that a good spring to drink tea, because tea product may be distributed in winter's cold pathogen in the human body, strong tea, and promote the human germinal yang. Spring recovery of all things, people have easy drowsy, then if the brew a cup of strong fragrance, refreshing fragrance of tea, not only refreshing, clear the drowsiness, but also help to distribute the body's cold pathogen, to promote the growth of the human body yang. In particular prostatitis or prostatic hypertrophy, liver disease, young girls and menopausal women before and after menstruation and so should love tea drinking tea Net aichaw.com.

Tea is a special Chinese tea, a praise poem: "flowers tone charm, Qingming long spirit." Drinking tea is not only a pleasure, but also health illnesses, such as the common chrysanthemum tea can inhibit various bacteria, enhance capillary elasticity, slowed heart rate, lower blood pressure and cholesterol. At the same time, can disperse wind heat, soothe the liver, improve eyesight, Liyan relieve pain. Another example of jasmine tea, there are clear away summer heat, spleen and nerves, Chest qi, dampness, governance diarrhea, and stomach pain only the good effect; Osmanthus tea with sweet fragrance and avoid the dirty, in addition to bad breath, refreshing, thirst-quenching, anti-inflammatory Qu sputum, toothache treatment, moisturizing the skin, promote blood circulation; honeysuckle tea to heat antidote, the cooling Zhilishen, diuretic and Liver, cancer; As Zhu Lan tea, then have the treatment of rheumatism pain, mental fatigue, epilepsy, etc. effect on bruises, wounds bleeding have a certain effect.