18 Apr 2010

Beauty and the Benefits of Drinking Tea

A legend says that over 5000 years ago a ruler in China, protector of artists and scientists, demanded that drinking water should be boiled. On one occasion, a few dried leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water. He liked the taste of this beverage and that is how tea was created.

It was first brought to Europe in 1560, to Portugal, not to England as many would have thought. It soon became popular in Holland due to good political relations with Portugal. It arrived in England much later and was accepted with exhilaration. A few years later almost 3000 teashops were in operation. It was very expensive so only the noble classes and wealthy people drank it. Tea was most agreeable with cookies and sandwiches that were served at 4p.m., from where originated the habit of drinking tea at "tea time".

Russians also have a long tradition of drinking tea sweetened with sugar, honey or marmalade. After vodka, tea is the second national Russian beverage. In the beginning of the 20th century, tea was available to everyone, and one smart man wanted to try it cold. No matter that tea arrived last in America, they made something new and made history with ice tea.

In almost all literature regarding this drink, there is a partition of 3 types: black, green and Oolong - the mixture of black and green. Black tea is oxidized and fermented thus causing its dark color and some famous brands are: English breakfast, Darjeeling from the Himalayas and Orange Pekoe from Ceylon. Green tea is becoming more popular as a natural antioxidant. It contains vitamins C, B1, B2 and it is ideal as a refreshing drink during the hot summer months. Oolong is partially oxidized and its flavour is a combination of black and green.

Tea culture insists on drinking certain teas at certain times. In the morning you should wake up with Ceylon tea, with your meal a Chinese tea will do well and during the evening a light fruit tea will ensure peaceful dreams. Although tea is very popular, it will take some time to replace the habit of morning coffee. Although both contain caffeine, one cup of tea has around 50mg and coffee three times that amount. Teas also contain tannin and essential oils. Caffeine has a stimulating affect, tannin gives its color and strength and essential oils add flavour and aroma.

Dave has been writing articles online for nearly 3 years now. Not only does this author specialize in health, fitness and relationships you can also check out his latest websites on The Pros And Cons and Learning Toys For Kids. Both created to ensure you're informed when making the right product decision.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dave_Vower