1 May 2010

Brown rice vegetable soup + good mate tea health health health

Brown rice vegetable soup + good mate tea health health health

Many people know the health function of vegetable soup, but should be a lot of people do not know, in fact, a common vegetable soup with brown rice tea drinking, the two complement each other, nutrition can play an even more fully. Post-shelled brown rice, tea drinking after after frying, helps the body fat metabolism. Brown rice is still preserved rice bran layer and germ, the germ, endosperm, bran composition. Rice endosperm is called dead-meter contains only starch and rice protein, seed germination in the soil can not be long. But Brown is living rice is the seed, it contains to create a new life in the endosperm, germ and bran, seed germination in the ground to long ago, so it contains nutrients give our bodies with nutrients. Rice in the germ oil, vitamins, minerals and fiber, most of the bran and germ are stored in, the nutrition for the rice 3 times, contains B vitamins and trace elements and minerals, can promote the metabolism. However, taste is too hard, it is difficult to always eat as a staple food. However, through the activity of biological technology brown rice processed into brown rice tea, greatly increased the nutritional content of brown rice.

Brown rice tea, hot foods are neutral and, if the person consciously physical Deficiency, vegetable soup with brown rice tea to drink, using brown rice tea, pass stool, through urine, through the role of the blood of the three links can rid the body of excess nutrients and toxins, make vegetable soup in the nutritional content of its head.